Sunday 10 January 2010

Happy New Year :D

Nå så blev det nytår.. eller det er ved at være et par dage siden.. men det var en super hyggelig aften, som i år kun var med tre a mine bedste venner. Vildt hyggeligt :D

Det var bare god mad, snak og stille og rolig hygge :) Ikke alt det der med mange mennesker.. det bliver så voldsomt. Måske vi er ved at blive voksne? haha.. sikke da en væmmelig tanke :p

Once again New Year came by.. it was really fun and a nice evening, which, this year, was only with three of my best friends.. Such a lovely night :D

It was delicious food, talking and nice and quiet 'hygge' (sorry, you don't have a word that covers the meaning.. hehe, but it was nice/lovely/a good time) Not too many people.. it gets so loud.
Are we growing up? hehe.. what a disturbing thought:p

Her er der et par billeder:
Here's a few pictures from the night:

1st course: Duck Main course: Beef marinated in redwine Dessert: Brownie
Forret: And Hovedret: Roast Beef marineret i rødvin Dessert: Brownie

Og sådan så det ud da det var færdigt..
And this is how it looked on the plates..

Tuesday 17 November 2009

en lille terzet / a little terzet

Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skulle gøre uden YouTube.. det er jo timers underholdning helt gratis :D
Jeg har brugt rigtig mange timer på at finde forskellige musikere, sangere og kor. Og det er helt utroligt hvad man kan finde..

I don't know what I would do without YouTube.. it's hours of intertainment completely free :D
I have spent a LOT of hours finding musicians, singers and choirs. It's really amazing what you can find..

Her er en optagelse fra en koncert med Tölzer Knabenchor, hvor tre super dygtige sangere synger en terzet .. Jeg ved ikke så meget om den, alt hvad jeg har er titlen fra youtube, som er "Bandel-Terzett" .. hvis nogen ved hvad det er for en sang, hvor den kommer fra eller noget i den retning må i du meget gerne lige skrive en kommentar, for jeg vil helt vildt gerne se om det er muligt at finde den på en cd et sted!! (:

Here's a recording from a concert with Tölzer Knabenchor, three super talented singers singing a terzett.. I don't much about it apart from the title it had on Youtube: "Bandel-Terzett" .. if anyone knows more about the song, like where it's from or something like that, it would be nice if you'd put it in a comment, as I would really like to find it on a cd or the like!! (:

Jeg elske den her.. har set den en million gange.. ca.. ;) haha
Alexander der synger sopran er fantastisk.. og Andreas der synger bas hat også en rigtig flot stemme (:

I love this one.. I've seen it a million times.. aproxx.. ;) haha
Alexander who sings treble/soprano is amazing.. and Andreas who sings bass has a wonderful voice as well (:

"Bandel-Terzett" with Alexander Lischke (Treble), Christian Fliegner (Tenor) and Andreas Burkhart (Bass)

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Når regnen regner oppe på taget... / When the rain makes the world look blue...

.. så er det på tide at få sig lidt at smile af.
Nu har jeg ikke fået skrevet her for nylig, så jeg tænkte at det var tide.
Regnen vælter ned udenfor og solen er helt skræmt væk - så er det om at finde noget andet at smile af.. så her kommer lige en række af ting til at løfte humøret :D

... you gotta find something to smile at.
I haven't postede anything for a while now, so I thought it was about time.
The rain is pouring down and the sun has fled the country - now it's time to find something to smile at.. here's a thing or two to make your dimples appear :D

Sign in desert!?

Sing says: Fishing prohibited :P

No shit Sherlock..! haha

Hint: look at the shadows :D - skyggen :D

What would she have done without him? lol
Hvad skulle hun dog gøre, hvis ikke hun havde ham? haha

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Meningen med musik ~ The purpose of music

Når man sidder og ser Talent tænker man lidt "der kan da ikke være mere talent tilbage i lille bitte Danmark" .. og jeg synes da også det er ved at tynde lidt ud! Men så er det godt at der trods alt hele tiden kommer nye talenter i form a talentfulde børn og unge.

Et rigtig godt eksempel er Camilla og Jonas fra 'Talent 09'.
De er simpelthen så fyldt a musikalitet at det er helt vildt.. og så bliver jeg bare så glad af at se dem spille (:
De er så søde og charmerene med deres kæmpe smil :D Man kan ikke andet end blive i godt humør af at se og lytte til dem.

Og det er da hvad musik handler om.. at bringe glæde og oplevelser gennem et instrument som i sig selv ikke er noget, men sammen med den helt rigtige person bliver til noget magisk. Hvad mere kan man ønske sig..
Jeg kunne ligge en hel dag og lytte, og lade mig fylde med budskaberne i teksterne og glæden i musikken..

When I sit down in front of the telly and watch one of them shows like Britain/America's Got Talent, X-Factor etc. (we just found a winner this friday in the Danish '... Got Talent') I can't help but think "there can't possibly be anymore talent left in tiny Denmark" - and I do think there's longer and longer between the good acts! However, there is, always, comming new talent from kids and young people.

A very good example of this is the 3rd place from our show - Camilla and Jonas (14 and 12 yo).
They are so full of musicality that it's almost not possible :P .. and I just can't stop smiling when I see and hear them play. They're so sweet and charming. I've never seen anyone smile as much as Jonas does (:

And that is what music is all about. To bring joy and experiences through an instrument, which is, in itself, nothing speciel. But with the right person playing it, it turns into something truly magical! What els could you evre need :D
I could just lay on my bed all day long, listening and letting me be filled with the beautiful messages in the lyrics and the joy of the music..

Her kommer lige nogle videoer med en masse talent fra unge mennesker. Nogle er danske, andre er fra andre steder i verden.. og ikke alle helt unge mere ;P :

Here's some videos with lots of talented kids. Some of them are Danish and some of them are from around the world.. and not all kids anymore ;P :

Camilla and Jonas playing 'Café 1930' arr. by Jonas (abd he's only 12! wow)

Camilla and Jonas - 'Tango y Chacoera'

Vera (also from this years Denmarks Got Talent), playing Carl Nielsen's Concert for Violin

Élie Dupuis - Canadian singer/musician playing 'Il Faudra Leur Dire' (I have no idea what he says :P )

Billy Gilman, USA - 'O Holy Night' , I know it's a bit early BUT this is the my favourite version of the song ever made!(or the one on his Christmas album) And so I thought I'd share it with you all (:

Declan Galbraight, UK - 'Tell Me Why', has a very strong message. Even though I've heard it like a million times, when I watch this video and turn it up really high it still makes my eyes a bit wet!

Troye Sivan, Australia - 'For Them' a song written for him, to help raise money for homeless children.

Ariel, Israel, only 8 yrs old in this video but a very gifted pianist! This peice is.. erm.. different :P but please do listen to it, its amazing!! - 'The Cat and the Dog' by Copland

I'll finish off with a beautiful piece sung by the
Choir of Westminster Abbey - 'The Lord Bless You and Keep You' by Rutter. One of my (many) favourites (:

Thanks for listening (:

Friday 23 October 2009

Pære til den søde tand / Pears in a sweet way :)

"Man er gammel når man begynder at sylte og den slags" ..

Ja så er jeg altså ved at blive gammel.. det er da så hyggeligt at sylte og bage osv., hvorfor skal det kun være for de 'gamle' ?? Det kommer nok også an på hvem man spørger!

Men I dag blev der altså syltet i Fårdrup, sammen med mor :D
Først måtte jeg lige ud og lege abe og klatre lidt i træer - det er altså faktisk ikke så nemt som jeg husker det :S Nedfaldspærer er ikke de bedste til at sylte, de bliver for hurtigt dårlige, og så er de også flottest uden mørke pletter.. men syltes skal der, for det er da synd at alle de lækre frugter går til spilde!!!

"You're old when you start making your own jam and preserved fruit and stuff like that" ..

In that case, I'm getting old.. there's nothing like baking, making your own jam and preserved fruit from all the fruits in the garden - you gotta use it, or it will just lay there on the ground and go to waste.. such a shame!!! Why should it only be for 'old' people?? I guess it depends on who you ask ;)

However, today was all about making some preserved pears from the big tree in the back of our garden - with me mum :D So I went climbing.. it was a lot easier when I was a kid!
You have to get the pears from the tree, cos if they have fallen to the ground' they get this soft/brown spot which isn't good when you wanna preserve them.. they wont last as long, and the brown spots doesn't look so nice ;)

Skrælle, skrælle, skrælle.
Det er utrolig så lidt der egentlig er tilbage når man er færdig.. man smider jo næsten halvdelen væk! Så lige lave en lækker syltelage som koges op, pærene puttes i, koges op igen, og skrues ned og trækker færdige. De bliver sådan lidt gennemsigtig-agtig når de er færdige..
Lagen er super nemt:

1/3 hvidvin,
2/3 vand
350 g sukker pr. liter væske
- sukker mængden justeres selvfølgelig efter hvor søde pærene er.
Er de meget søde bruges der evt 200 g.
og er de meget umodne bruges der måske 100 g ekstra .. prøv dig frem (:

Og så kan man så tilsætte alverdens smag til sin lage.. jeg lavede f.eks. nogle med vanille og nogle med rosmarin.. men man kan bruge lige hvad man vil..
Kanel, ingefær, timian, basilikum, chili, lakridsrod, likør, rødvin(istedet for hvidvin) etc. etc..

Peel, peel, peel.
It's crazy how much of the pear that just gets thrown away.. it's like almost half of it !
Then making a syrup pack which is mixed together and the pears added, then you bring it to the boil and turn down the heat. Leave them there till they're done. They get kinda glassy-see-thru like when done. The syrup pack is easy:

1/3 white wine
2/3 water
350 g. sugar per litre
- the amount of sugar may be changed depending on how sweet the pears are.
If they're very sweet, you might wanna use 200 g.
and aren't they ripe at all, you could add, say another 100 g.. you just gotta try (:

In addition to this, you can add whatever flavour you like. I made some with vanilla and some with rosemary, but you can add whatever you want, like:
Cinnamon, ginger, thyme, basil, chili, liquorice, liqueurs, red wine(instead of white) etc. etc..

Det var så det.. og de smager såååååååå godt .. Har allerede prøvesmagt dem xD
Men nu vil jeg smutte i seng.. klokken er gået hen og blevet halv 3 - om natten :P

That's that.. and they're soooooooo delicious .. I've tried them already xD
But now, I wanna go to bed.. it's getting kinda late - 2:30 am :P


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Choc Chip Cookies

Okay så før jeg begynder på det her indlæg, så har jeg lige en ny idé (allerede). Jeg vil fremover skrive mine indlæg skiftevis på dansk og engelsk, det gør det nemmere med hensyn til billeder osv. Så jeg skriver på dansk i hvid og engelsk i grøn. Det kan måske ændre sig, men i hvertfald en eller anden farve.

Okay, so before I start on this post, I've had an new idea (already). From now on I will be writing my blogs in two colours, white will be Danish and then all the green is the English part.. that way I can mix it up which will be easier when putting pictures between the text.. or I would have to put all the pics twice :S

~~~~ Og den egentlige blog: / The actual blog: ~~~~

Mmmmmmmmm.... Jeg kan stadig lugte dem (: Jeg har bagt lækre Chocolate Chip Cookies hele eftermiddagen. Jeg gider som regel ikke rigtig før jeg går igang, men når man så først står med dej ud over det hele og det begynder at dufte som et helt bageri så er det så skønt så skønt :D

Mmmmmmmmm.... I can still smell them (: I've baked delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies alll afternoon. Usually I can't really get meself started when I'm baking, but when there's dough everywhere and the whole house smells like a bakery, it's just wonderful :D

Det er ikke fordi det egentlig tager så lang tid at lave dem, men der kan kun være 9 på en plade af gangen ;) - Og så må man jo bare sidde der og vente på at de bliver færdige.....
Og så dufter det himmelsk.. fik jeg nævnt det ??
Det sværeste er så at lade dem ligge og køle af når de kommer ud af ovnen. Jeg har mest af alt lyst til at spise dem med det samme, men de er altså bedst når det bliver kolde og sprøde!

Og så var det ekstra svært i dag, for de skal bruges i morgen, så ikke noget med at spise dem :S Meeen der blev lige en til aftenkaffen ;)

It doesn't really take that long to make them, but there's only room for 9 on a baking sheet ;) - Then there's nothing els to do but take a seat and wait.....
Oh, and did I mention that they smell heavenly ??
The hardest part is to wait for them to cool down before eating them. They're pratically crying out for me to eat them from the moment I take them out of the oven :P But they ARE best when cold and crisp!

Today was an extra challenge as they're for tomorrow.. so no eating them all at once :S
There were just a couple too many though, so we had to take care of that this evening ;)

Kommentarer virker ~ comments are working (:

Så fandt jeg ud af at få kommentarene til at virke (: yay..
Der kommer et pop-up vindue hvor man skal skrive, for jeg kunne altså ikke få den til bare at komme med kommentarfeltet neders på siden.. der er åbentbart noget der blokere for den funktion :S Men det virker altså nu, så skriv endelig en kommentar .. jeg elsker kommentarer :P

~~ E ~~

I finaly found a way to get the comments to work.. it's in a pop-up, cos I couldn't get it to show at the bottom of the posts.. something seems to be blocking for that :S
But it works, so please do comment - I love comments :P